Bats And How To Get Rid Of Them
Bats are considered to be extraordinary beings as these creatures are the only mammals who can fly. These warriors of the dark help to maintain the natural habitat as they indulge in various activities that are never recognized in the real world. Bats can spread and scatter seeds, which helps to promote pollination for plant growth. In addition to such capabilities, bats are intelligent mammals who also can protect themselves when a dangerous situation is encountered.
Misconceptions About Bats
Darkness and bats have shared an unbreakable bond since its existence. Generally, there is a burst of agitation, fear, and panic seen among people whenever they locate a bat, especially in their home. This is mainly because it is believed that bats are known to bring bad luck. However, this is just a misconception. In reality, these little mammals are not as frightening as they are considered to be.
It is also believed that bats are blind and they have poor eyesight. This fact is false, as adult bats have a strong vision which is about three times better than human beings. They have good navigation skills and are capable of maneuvering their way out and protecting themselves if trapped.
A bat’s presence is generally associated with the presence of ghosts and vampires. This belief was planted in the minds of people by the entertainment industry with the help of horror movies. In addition to this, people also believe that bats mainly exist to suck human blood and spread a harmful disease called rabies. This is yet another misconception that should be cleared, as bats are not associated with any such activities.
What Do Bats Eat For Survival?
Today, there are more than 1200 different species of bats all over the world. The survival pattern of each species is a different one from the other. Generally, all bats feed on insects like beetles, mosquitoes and moths. In addition to this, bats can also feed on seeds, pollen, and fruits. There are species of bats who feed on other bats, eat lizards, fish and frogs. Bats are experts in locating their food as they are blessed with good navigation skills.
Why Should Bats Be Removed?
Bats are not dangerous attackers and most of the species are considered to be harmless. During winters, when the climate is generally cold outside, bats feel the extreme need for warmth. This is the reason they enter into houses and other closed areas, mainly to be rid of cold.
However, it is a fact that bats are filthy creatures as they do create a mess wherever they stay. This mess is unhygienic, especially if it’s a home. The urine of bats is extremely harmful and can cause various problems such as diseases and damage to walls and floors. This might lead to the spread of other harmful diseases if precautionary measures are not undertaken.
Generally, bats try to find secluded rooms and places which tend to remain dark all the time. As these mammals are capable of flight, the sound produced by their wings can be quite disturbing for the inhabitants.
Locating bats is yet another tedious task which is generally the first step taken up for bat removal. Bats can reside in any place if it is dark, dirty, and isolated.
Sometimes, bats forget their way and enter into a place out of confusion. Such bats are generally young ones who have just started to fly. If a bat suddenly enters your house, avoid panicking and remain calm. If you start panicking, bats might get furious and try to cause harm. These bats will enter your house by mistake and keep flying in circular motions, trying to discover their way out. It is important to avoid troubling the bat in such a situation as it will find its way out, and you don't have to worry about taking up remedies for its removal.
How To Safely Remove Bats?
If bats have become frequent visitors or permanent residents of your home, it is important to take the necessary steps and get rid of them as soon as possible. Given below are some of the most effective home remedies, which can greatly help in bat removal and are proven to generate results.
Try water drizzling:
This remedy is extremely simple and straightforward and helps chase the bats away. Water is considered to be an effective bat repellent and is easily available. All you have to do is to take some water in a sprinkler and sprinkle it over the place where bats reside. Bats do not prefer to reside in areas that are wet and contain a lot of moisture. Once this is done, they'll stop visiting your place. In case that the bats have become long-term residents and have built a comfortable nest for themselves, you can carefully try sprinkling water in their nests during the daytime. This can be dangerous if not done with care, as bats can become violent and it would then be difficult to control them.
Make use of light and mirrors:
This method is the best remedy through which bats would stay away from the place. In addition to the mirrors, this method will require another essential component for its successful completion. The second component is the brightness. You have to install several lights and keep them ON for the entire day when the bats are at rest. As bats are attracted to dark places, they will leave the place immediately due to the brightness. However, this is an expensive remedy and is not suitable for all.
Use chemicals to help deter bats
Phenol and naphthalene balls are considered to be basic disinfecting agents which are used in almost every home regularly. These chemicals can work miraculously, and can chase the bats away permanently from your home. It is important to find out the regular places where bats are found. Then you can wrap these balls in a cloth and place them there. Also, if you find nests, you can carefully try placing these into their nests so that they leave the place as soon as possible. Phenol is yet another effective agent that produces a bad smell. This makes the place dirty and forces the bats to vacate immediately, and they fly off in search of cleaner and better places.
Use the concept of reflection with aluminium foils
This remedy is considered to be the most cost-effective one among all the other remedies which are available for bat removal. Aluminum foil is handy and easily available in the market. These are also used at home for packing purposes. In addition to the various uses of aluminum foil, these can also be used as an effective remedy for bat removal. Again, you have to find a place where bats enjoy a comfortable stay and place the aluminum foil there. Due to the reflection which would be generated through these foils, bats will get confused and annoyed as they will not be able to figure out ways of coming in and moving around. This is one of the best remedies to help bats forget your place, and you will never see them again.
Make use of traditional ingredients
Nature has provided us with several beneficial elements which help people to develop a disease-free healthy environment. Often, such ingredients are ignored in the modern age and are considered to be outdated. However, certain natural ingredients have been proven to be extremely helpful even today. Cinnamon powder is the most effective natural ingredient which can be used to get rid of bats. This ingredient is easily available in almost every kitchen, as it is widely used for cooking purposes. You can sprinkle this powder over the entire place where the bats often reside, as its odor would irritate them and force them to find a new place. Cinnamon is completely harmless and it does not harm the bats in any way. But, bats feel that this ingredient is poisonous and always stay away from it. This ingredient would work wonderfully and you can easily get rid of bats if you use this properly.
Use the best bat repellents if other methods do not work
A bat repellent is mainly manufactured to help people get rid of bats permanently. These repellents are made using certain chemicals and ingredients which are harmful to bats. These repellents are easily available in the market and you can try them if the arrival of the bats has become a major concern. Among the various bat repellents available today, the aerosol-based repellents are considered to be the most effective ones. It is recommended to spray these repellents in the bat's nest and other places of frequent visits. It is important to be careful while doing this, because if the repellent is sprayed on the bats, they might get infuriated and try to attack everyone present in that location. Such repellents are also proven to be dangerous for bats. And therefore, it is suggested to avoid spraying directly over them.
Try helium-based balloons
Another effective remedy that can be used to get rid of bats is Mylar balloons, which consist of helium gas. These balloons can be used to block the entrance way and prevent bats from entering the place. It is important to choose the most attractive ones which will help to annoy the bats to a great extent. This remedy is an effective one, but has certain drawbacks. These balloons require helium gas frequently, so that they can serve their purpose for a long period. It is recommended to hang these balloons over the bat's nest, so that they get irritated and leave the place permanently.
Tips On Dealing With Bats
Bats, creatures of the dark, do not have the agenda of causing harm to anyone. But, it is important to be careful while dealing with them because, once if they get angry, everything becomes unpredictable and out of control. To get rid of bats permanently, it is important to understand all the basic remedies which are available or directly use a bat repellent to prevent danger. Given below, are certain tips and points to be remembered while trying to get rid of bats.
- Avoid making physical contact with bats by trying to hold them or catch them. The bats might get furious and can cause harm. Touching bats can also spread infection.
- Bats have tiny teeth and they generally do not bite. But if you play around with them, they might get angry and try to attack. In such situations, they do indulge in biting. It is therefore recommended to be careful while dealing with them.
- All remedies which are available to get rid of bats should be analyzed and understood carefully before using them. If you are using certain disinfectants, it is recommended to avoid using them over the bats, as it can cause physical injuries.
- To get rid of bats permanently, it is not recommended to use poisonous chemical agents which are a threat to life. It is suggested to use chemically-safe ingredients which serve the purpose of chasing the bats alone and not killing them.
- Keep your surroundings clean and close all the doors and windows after sunset, as this is the time during which bats are in search of places to stay.
- Keep trying all the possible remedies to get rid of bats. After trying one successful method, make sure you keep trying it frequently to get the best results.
The basic remedies and tips to get rid of bats have been mentioned. All these are extremely beneficial if you take the necessary precautions, before, during, and after implementing them. If the above-mentioned remedies do not work out as they should, it is suggested to contact a professional who will assist to solve this problem for you. Bats are harmless creatures as long as we as human beings do not cause any harm to them. It is important to take the necessary precautions and sanitize the surface after their departure, as bats might be a cause for the spread of harmful diseases.